Relaxing Massage 

Relaxing massage in all its forms. The deeper reflexology of the foot, soothes the pains of the organs with a corresponding to the soles, and a hot stone massage and aromatherapy delights the senses.

A weekly massage...

Relaxing massage in all its forms. The deeper reflexology of the foot, soothes the pains of the organs with a corresponding to the soles, and a hot stone massage and aromatherapy delights the senses.

A weekly massage session has multiple health benefits.

Physically, by special maneuvers, blood circulation is activated, improving oxygenation in the skin, muscles and joints. Stimulates lymphatic circulation by favoring the elimination of toxins. It relieves tensions and pains accumulated at the muscular or articular level. The ultimate effect of massage is a better functioning of the metabolism, which helps to lose weight, strengthen the immune system and maintain the state of health. It also improves concentration, eliminates stress and chronic fatigue, and emotionally improves mood by releasing serotonin.

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