Party ... in a healthy style with relaxation and pampering for the body and mind. Friendship, the joy of being along with those that have been with you for good or for hard, the arrival of spring, are just a few reasons to...
Party ... in a healthy style with relaxation and pampering for the body and mind. Friendship, the joy of being along with those that have been with you for good or for hard, the arrival of spring, are just a few reasons to spend quality time with the dearest women in your life.
Come to a Spa Party along with your friends where the fun blends harmoniously with the relaxation offered by multi-sensory and regenerative therapies.
A special occasion to give the future bride unique moments of relaxation and pampering! The package includes access to the sauna and relaxation area, as well as a spa therapy of choice between facial treatment with organic products or aromatic massage with mango and peach. PRICE WITH DISCOUNT IS VALID FOR MINIMUM 6 PERSONS.
An unique surprise for the bride and best friends. Pampering and relaxation for an unforgettable wedding! PRICE WITH DISCOUNT IS VALID FOR MINIMUM 6 PERSONS
Relaxation, fun and joy with your friends at spa! A party that you will always remember! Private party for minimum 6 persons! PRICE WITH DISCOUNT IS VALID FOR MINIMUM 6 PERSONS