Known as needle-free acupuncture, Shiatsu therapy is a Japanese technique for exerting pressure from a certain angle and for a certain period of time on acupressure points. This massage has the role of unblocking and rebalancing the paths of the energy meridians by eliminating the blocking points.
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Known as needle-free acupuncture, Shiatsu therapy is a Japanese technique for exerting pressure from a certain angle and for a certain period of time on acupressure points. This massage has the role of unblocking and rebalancing the paths of the energy meridians by eliminating the blocking points. It has decontracting, analgesic, relaxing and balancing effects. SHIATSU massage can be used successfully in conditions such as tendinitis, lumbosciatica, back, neck, shoulder pain, in cases of insomnia, nervousness, circulatory problems, menstruation, to combat stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue, pain and even pain relief.
Aromatherapeutic ritual for feet, ideal for cold weather but also for those who have cold feet regardless of the season. Recommended before a body massage or facial treatment.
Lifting effect and brightness for the skin without tone and elasticity! The seaweed complex, the grape extract and the action of the plasticizing mask based on alginates regenerate, revitalize and provide firmness to the skin, protecting it against free radicals. Bruno Vassari products are used.
A therapeutic massage for those that suffer from chronic muscle pain that restricts the blood and lymph circulation, accelerates toxins build up, and reduces mobility in articulations.
A treatment against back pains. Muscle pain in the cervical or lumbar area, or shoulder joint immobility may be alleviated by elements of relaxing massage, presopuncture and stretching thai yoga massage.